
Charter of Ethics

Dong-A Socio Group employees will follow the ethics regulations and practice them.

Charter of Ethics

  • 01
    Jeong-Do Management Implementation

    In order to practice Jeong-Do Management, acting fairly with the right thinking, Dong-A Socio Group employees do our best to realize human health and happiness.

  • 02
    Human Respect Management

    Respect the human rights and value of employees, Dong-A Socio Group employees do our best to welfare for fair personnel and happiness.

  • 03
    Social Responsibility Implementation

    Comply with various laws and regulation, Dong-A Socio Group employees do our best to contribute to national economy and social development.

  • 04
    Pursue a Trusted company

    To be a trusted company, Dong-A Socio Group employees do our best to ethical act and fair performance of our duties.

  • 05
    Enhancement of Stakeholder Value

    Dong-A Socio Group employees do our best to enhance the value of various stakeholders, with sustainable management.

1. Preamble

  • The purpose of the Dong-A Socio Group Code of Conduct(‘code’) is to stipulate the standards of conduct that all employees must follow.

2. General

Dong-A Socio Group employees should:

  • 2.1 have pride, self-respect pride, and high ethical values, and do not defame the group or damage our individual dignity.
  • 2.2 perform our duties in a fair and fair manner and comply with laws and regulations.
  • 2.3 not disclose the information of the Group to the outside without prior permission or approval.
  • 2.4 fulfill our duties such as preventing sexual harassment in order to create a healthy workplace atmosphere.
  • 2.5 fulfill our obligations of mutual respect and create a creative and autonomous working environment.
  • 2.6 not give preference to a specific person for reasons such as regionalism, school relations, and kinship.
  • 2.7 not inflict property damages to the Group by using the assets of the Group for private use.

3. Social Responsibility

Dong-A Socio Group employees should:

  • 3.1 fulfill our responsibilities and duties as a member of the community.
  • 3.2 do our best to make the whole society happy through active participation in social contribution activities for the development of the community and      environmental protection.
  • 3.3 realize the value of consideration, service, and thrive together that have been closely related to the founding spirit.

4. Prohibition of graft

Dong-A Socio Group employees should:

  • 4.1 not engage in mediation or request to impede fair performance for our own or others' unfair advantage.
  • 4.2 not request special consideration for a job position such as promotion and personnel appointment.

5. Prohibition of Acceptance of Financial or other Advantages

  • Dong-A Socio Group employees should not exchange gifts, gifts or entertainment from stakeholders.

6. Prohibition of unfair trade practices

  • Dong-A Socio Group employees should not make unreasonable demands by using our superior status, and select business partners based on objective and fair examination standards.

7. Donation

  • Dong-A Socio Group employees should support charitable works for the public interest in order to fulfill corporate social responsibility.

8. Responsibility for stockholders

  • Dong-A Socio Group employees should provide reliable and transparent information of the company and protect the interests of shareholders faithfully.

9. Report system

  • Dong-A Socio Group employees should immediately report to Helpline or Audit Hotline Reporting upon finding out that whoever violated this regulation.

10. etc.

  • Inquiries regarding this code should be directed to Dong-A socio group Social responsibility Council secretariat (Holdings Jeong-Do Management Team).

    Dong-A Socio Holdings Anti-Corruption Policy

  • 1. All corruption (bribery) related to the work of Dong-A Socio Holdings employees is prohibited.
  • 2. Dong-A Socio Holdings complies with applicable domestic anti-corruption laws and include foreign anti-corruption laws if necessary.
  • 3. Anti-corruption compliance function sets company-wide anti-corruption goals and implementation plans, and in each sector,     establish goals and implementation plans for each sector to ensure that this policy is achieved.
  • 4. Dong-A Socio Holdings encourages raising any stakeholders concerns in good faith, without fear of retaliation and disadvantages, or     based on reliable and reasonable confidence.
  • 5. Dong-A Socio Holdings ensures the authority and independence of the anti-corruption compliance and Dong-A Socio Holdings Anti-    bribery Audit Committee (HAAC) in accordance with the detailed operating standards.
  • 6. Dong-A Socio Holdings employees must comply with this anti-corruption policy and procedures. When non-compliance, it is     important to keep in mind that strict disciplinary procedures are followed by personnel procedures.
  • 7. This anti-corruption policy should be communicated in the appropriate language to Dong-A Socio Holdings employees and business     associates with moderate or higher corruption risks.
  • 8. Dong-A Socio Holdings makes it possible for stakeholders related to Dong-A Socio Holdings to use anti-corruption policy at any time.

(zip : 02587) 64, Cheonho-daero, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea
TEL. 82.2.920.8114
Copyright DONG-A SOCIO HOLDINGS. All rights reserved.